Discover Our Cloud Instance Locations Worldwide

Shapehost offers cloud instances in various locations worldwide to cater to the needs of businesses and individuals globally. We have data centers in 12 different locations, including

  • New York City - USA
  • Florida - USA
  • London - United Kingdom
  • Toronto - Canada
  • Frankfurt - Germany
  • Amsterdam - Netherlands
  • Roubaix - France
  • Singapore - Hong Kong
  • Helsinki - Finland
  • Mumbai - India
  • Tokyo - Japan.

Our cloud instance locations are strategically chosen to provide our clients with the best possible performance, low latency, and high availability. All our data centers feature state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure, ensuring that our client's data is safe and secure.

We understand the importance of being able to choose the right location for your cloud instances, and we are committed to providing you with a wide range of options to suit your specific needs. Whether you are looking for a location that is close to your customers, has low latency, or has a specific regulatory requirement, we have got you covered.

With our cloud instances located in different parts of the world, we can offer our clients a global reach, making it easy for them to expand their business to new markets. We also offer flexible pricing plans and excellent customer support to ensure our clients get the best possible experience.

In conclusion, our cloud instances locations provide our clients with a reliable, secure, and scalable infrastructure to meet their business needs. With data centers across the globe, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and support, no matter where they are located.

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